Monday, June 2, 2008

Bike Trikes and Rice

I miss my family and friends. I want to come back, but I am making new friends here. I want to say I love you.

Butterflies are my second favorite, favorite thing. It is my nickname, too.

There is lots of rice. That is my favorite food (it is) in the Phil – i – ppines .

My favorite book is Fancy Nancy. The Fancy Nancy book I brought with me is Fancy Nancy and the Boy from Paris. I haven’t read it yet.

We were going to the YWAM office. We went in a bike trike (that rhymed). There were 4 of us in each one. We had 2 friends with us.

Grandma, I am doing great.

My cousins, I miss you. (I do!)

I wish I was with my team from last year. Then I could be with Abby. Abby is 5. I am going to see Abby in a couple days.



Mrs. Emmer said...

Hi Annalise!
It looks like you are really having a lot of fun. I do not think I would fit in one of those trikes. It has been rainy here, but is supposed to get very hot this week. Yeah!
Love you,

Ronnie said...

Aunt Rhonda

Thomas and Lisa said...

If I can manage to fit in one with 3 other people, I am sure you could make it.

Anonymous said...

i miss you too Annalise, in fact we all miss you very much.LOVE YOU bunches and bunches butterfly!!!!!!!!!
