Thursday, August 28, 2008

Anyone Else Want an Interview?

Ok, more people knew us than we thought. Word about the family of six white people gets around when teenagers have to interview a foreigner for school. It was pretty amazing. We met several people because of their school assignment. It was great opportunity to witness. Here are some of the questions and my answers: Why did you come to the Philippines? God called us to serve the people of the Philippines. What are some natural beauty spots around your place? Lake Michigan and other lakes as well as the forests. What are your favorite Filipino foods? Fried chicken and sticky rice. What are some differences between the Philippines and your place? There are no mountains in our place. We have four seasons, the Philippines only has two. We have more extreme temperatures in our place, -10F to 99F. We have corn fields, not rice terraces. There are no caribou, geckos, palm trees, papaya trees, jeepneys or trikes in our place.